Thursday, November 27, 2008

Think about it.

Today was a super relaxed day. I sat back and just let this movie we call life fast forward, got comfy, and popped the corn nuts (ranch...yes, ranch) into my mouth. Today was a day where i was supposed to give thanks to everything i possess, everything i accomplished, everything I've been through and still be able to talk about. Sat there and thought about it for a while and came up with a mental list.

1) First and foremost Health! Just turning on the news and seeing commercials on H.I.V/Aids, all of those ironic commercials on how fun having Herpes can be (you know what I'm talking about), all of those pharma co drugs for various diseases even restless leg syndrome? Are you serious? Lol makes one think damn "Thank GOD, I don't have that shit!" and makes one think of how lucky one is.
2) Actually having a job, and having enough money to actually do/buy things without actually giving them much thought. As we all know, this economy is no joke!
3) Friends and fam. Even though I could honestly say I have about a handful of friends who I hold extremely closely. Lost some friends through the years. Some through accidents R.I.P. Bond, some through stages we all go through (some are still in the stages I left them at), and some from just losing touch. It's till something that I'm glad to say I have with all of the shiftiness going on today.
4) Meeting someone who I can honestly say will be there in the long run. Someone who not only possesses the same interests, crazy fashion sense, and is as materialistic as me (sorry, you know you are) is someone who I can vibe with on a much deeper level. "Lord Willin'".... Yes, you heard it here first ladies... sorry, but the jersey (#23) is hanging up in the rafters.
5) This upcoming project which we have been working on is finally off of the ground and will be coming out sooner than you think. So once again, be on the lookout.

So damn, after dreading this Hallmark, Rape and pillage, historically incorrect day, I actually was able to see through all of the turkey, pernil (spanish cats know what I'm talking about), fam and cut down to the bare essentials. "What are you honestly thankful for?"

Leave you with something to think about. "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be"- Albert Einstein

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